1st Team Practice Match v Woodbridge GC Hambro Team
It was cold, but the sky was blue – in parts, and the Woodbridge Heath Course was magnificent.
Sophie Kubitzek and Jasmine Points were first out and fought back after a tentative start to almost win the match on the 18th; they finished with an honourable half.
Alice Barlow and Melissa Coffey were drawn against Ken Coffey, a proud father after Melissa and Alice won by 5 holes.
Georgia Parker and Emily Evans went out last and were up after 7, 3 down after 14, 1 down after 16 but 2 down at the end.
Woodbridge were fabulous hosts furnishing the team with a free full-English before tee off.
1st Team triumphed, Hambro scoring 3 up!
We are looking forward to next year’s match already.
Emily Evans
Vice Captain