​Flempton member Nicki McMahon has just passed her R&A Level 3 Referee’s exam with merit. “England Golf sponsored me to attend a Tournament Administrators and Referees Seminar (TARS) which is held once a year in St Andrews,” Nicki said. “You have to have a very good knowledge of the rules before you go, as part of the course is the R&A’s top level exam. Delegates came from across the world and it was amazing to hear their experiences of refereeing at all levels of the game. It was an intense four days packed with lectures, discussions, demonstrations and role-play sessions. It’s quite daunting giving a ruling in front of twenty rules experts even though you’re just pretending.” Nicki has been officiating at Suffolk Golf Union and England Golf events since 2015 will continue to gain valuable experience with guidance from mentor, Mike Rees. One day, she hopes to referee at The Open