In a repeat of the first day of last year’s County Match Week, the storm clouds lurked menacingly over Harpenden Golf Club from early in the day until late afternoon when the weather gods released a storm of biblical proportion (thunder, lightning and torrential rain) forcing play to be delayed.

However, this did not affect the morning’s schedule and Suffolk were unfortunate to lose 2/3 against an in-form Essex. 

The afternoon session proved very difficult for all players with a pro-longed break mid proceedings to allow time for the greens to be cleared of water.  Sadly, all five games went to Hertfordshire

Tomorrow sees Suffolk playing Bedfordshire in the morning and Norfolk in the afternoon – let’s hope the weather has improved by then!

Carol Deslandes

Detailed results of Suffolk v Essex:

Alice Barlow bt Ashley Croft by 1 hole; Vanessa Bell lost to Alexandra Sparrow 3/2; Abbie Symonds bt Danielle Anderson 3/2

Amanda Norman and Joanne Woodward  lost to Charley Hatley and Katy Yates 5/3;Lils James and Sophie Kubitzek lost to Ashley Chalmers and Sophie Wheeler 2/1

Final Result:  Suffolk 2, Essex 3.

Detailed results of Suffolk v Hertfordshire:

Abbie Symonds lost to Emmanuelle Hewson 2/1; Jasmine Points lost to Maddie Rolph 5/4; Amanda Norman lost to Kelly Cooke 2 dn

Sophie Kubitzek and Joanne Woodward  lost to Cathy Gosling and Honor Keilty3/2;  Vanessa Bell and Sharon Luckman lost to Lucy Walker and Alison Franklin 5/3

Final Result:  Suffolk 0, Hertfordshire 5.

Other matches:
Cambs & Hunts drew with Essex 2.5/2.5
Norfolk bt Beds 3/2 and lost to Cambs & Hunts 2/3
Beds bt Herts 3/2