Here we are at Christmas again, a time when the website takes a bit of a rest and, along with everyone else, our focus is family, friends, food, fun and frolic. Along with those lovely things goes a deal of hard work, shopping, packing up parcels and polishing up the living quarters and we hope all goes well for everyone. At the same time, we are thanking all those who serve on our Committees and keep the ladies’ county golfing community running smoothly.

Much time is given by our Officers and Governing Body members and we are all appropriately grateful to them for what they do. Of course that is easy to say when we are comfortably sitting on the side lines but we hope we will all be prepared to join in the organisation to do our bit when someone else comes to the end of their term in office.

As it is, we are looking ahead to the New Year and a new regime in the top officers for SLCGA and have happily found the people we need to carry on. We already know that Joanne Woodward will be taking over from Mo Pearson as President at the Annual General Meeting (January 11th, Kesgrave Memorial Hall). What is probably not generally known is that, despite the fact that our President and Captain do not normally change together, this time there will also be a change in our County Captain. Vicki Inglis had intended to complete her two-year term and hand over to Amanda Norman in January 2021. However, having a small child, a new husband and a four-hour journey to get to us from Herefordshire where she now lives, she has reluctantly decided that she cannot continue as Captain and has resigned. Amanda is therefore Acting Captain until the January meeting when she will be confirmed in the position. We thank Vicki for her input over the years and wish her and her family a happy future in their new life together.

To Amanda go our best wishes for a successful tenure as our Captain and we offer our thanks for all her golfing efforts on behalf of Suffolk Ladies so far and for stepping up to the Captaincy a year earlier than she expected. She will have our full support in her position on the Governing Body for the future. Amanda is, of course, Jo Woodward’s sister and we wish them a happy time working with each other as we all move forward together.

Julie Latimer-Jones

The photograph shows the ladies of The Governing Body at their final meeting of the year. They were about to sit down to their personal annual Christmas lunch held this time in the beautiful new clubhouse at Fynn Valley Golf Club. For work well done and much time spent on our behalf, we thank each one of them, wishing them a Happy Christmas and good fortune for 2020. In their turn they send everybody a message of health and happiness at Christmas and good wishes for success on the golf course next year. These friends are (from left to right ) Joan Hogarth (Venues), Maggie Porter (Divisional Meetings), Annette Llewellyn (Handicap Adviser), Joan Cook (Divisional Meetings), Alice Barlow (Junior Organiser), Di Hegarty (County Secretary), Irma Suttle (Cranworth), Amanda Norman (Acting Captain), Mo Pearson (President), Linda Gilham (Haskell & Stearn), Hermione Scrope (Treasurer), Anne Archer (Seniors Organiser & Jubilee Shield), Carol Cooke (Main and Senior Championships), Lizzie Johnson (England Golf Representative). Not present: Sarah Williams (Coronation & Centenary Foursomes), Eunice Gray (Suffolk Golf Day).