1st Team Practice Match v Woodbridge GC Hambro Team
It was cold, but the sky was blue – in parts, and the Woodbridge Heath Course was magnificent.
Sophie Kubitzek and Jasmine Points were first out and fought back after a tentative start to almost win the match on the 18th; they finished with an honourable half.
Alice Barlow and Melissa Coffey were drawn against Ken Coffey, a proud father after Melissa and Alice won by 5 holes.
Georgia Parker and Emily Evans went out last and were up after 7, 3 down after 14, 1 down after 16 but 2 down at the end.
Woodbridge were fabulous hosts furnishing the team with a free full-English before tee off.
1st Team triumphed, Hambro scoring 3 up!
We are looking forward to next year’s match already.
Emily Evans
Vice Captain

First outing of the season for the Suffolk 1st team!

To start off the 2024 season, the Suffolk 1st team played their annual friendly match against the Aldeburgh men’s team at Aldeburgh. What a glorious day – blue sky for the most part and NO rain!!! The course was in fabulous condition and had obviously stood up well to the deluges we have been experiencing over the last few weeks.

The games were keenly contested, with the ladies eventually winning 3 -1. Abbie and Alice had a hard-fought tussle eventually losing on the last green even though they were under par for the round. Sophie and Jasmine notched up a very impressive win. The other two matches were close at times but both pairs won through with some excellent play.

It was great to see young players performing so well at a high level which bodes well for the future of Suffolk ladies golf.

The pairings were as follows:

Alice Barlow & Abbie Symonds v Peter Redshaw & Tom Huggins

Melissa Coffey & Sophie Kubitzek v Allister Andrew & Nigel Howcutt

Josie Knights & Jasmine Points v Mark Turner & Paul Danielsen

Molly Newson & Georgia Parker v Malcom Ross & Don Dunthorne

Training begins for the first and second team on 17 February at Felixstowe GC.



County Training – 23 March ‘24

The second training session of the year took place today. Readers may recall that the weather recently has been very mild for the time of year, even reaching 16/17 degrees! Well ….. today the weather obviously knew the 1st and 2nd team were having a training session at Felixstowe!!! Almost every type of weather arrived – sunshine, warmth, cold, hail, rain and wind!!! Even so all the participants had an enjoyable and fruitful session, focusing on awkward lies, putting and a chipping challenge. All agreed that the chipping was definitely rusty after a long, wet winter!

Thank you, as always, to Andrew Robinson and Sam Forgan for their excellent tuition and enthusiasm and to Felixstowe Ferry Golf Club for hosting us.

Vicki Hunt



County Training – 23 March ‘24




Tanya McGregor – Captain 2023 – 24



February 2024 – Training begins!

The 2024 Suffolk Ladies Training Programme started at Felixstowe Ferry GC this Saturday, 17 February under the expert tuition of Felixstowe Ferry Professionals, Andrew Robinson and Sam Forgan. Fortunately the weather was kind; it didn’t rain and was not too cold or windy, so it was a very profitable session. Ball flight control, both in long shots and chipping, were the focus this time; lots to practise over the coming weeks! The County’s Performance Selection Panel and County President, Vicki Hunt, supported the training sessions.


It is particularly exciting this year that the East Region County Match ‘Week’ is being held at Felixstowe Ferry – 28 – 30 June 2024. We are hoping that many Suffolk golfers and friends/family will come and enjoy watching an excellent standard of golf and support the Suffolk Ladies team!

As always we thank Felixstowe Ferry for hosting the County Ladies and look forward to the next session in March!

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