Suffolk Ladies Past & Present Captains’ Golfing Society

Suffolk Ladies Past & Present Captains’ Golfing Society

Suffolk Ladies Past & Present Captains’ Golfing Society

Suffolk Ladies Past & Present Captains’ Golfing Society

Suffolk Ladies Past & Present Captains’ Golfing Society

Suffolk Ladies Past & Present Captains’ Golfing Society

History and Membership

The Society was set up in 1978 by Hannah Butcher, Shirley Burlingham took over from Hannah and Vivien Cullen continued until 2010.  Margaret Bryant continued for two years from 2011 to 2012 followed by Carol Cook, Ann Archer, Denise Martin and Sally Crosbie.


The Society was formed to give Past and Present Captains the opportunity to play golf, socialise and to renew acquaintance with their fellow Captains and Past Captains


Membership is open to all Past and Present Captains of Golf Clubs affiliated to the Suffolk Ladies’ County Golf Association.  Apply to


The AGM and Golf Day is held on a Monday in October (having moved from September). The venue is chosen by selecting the Club in alphabetical order, wherever possible. The golf is preceded by a short annual meeting. Four silver salvers are presented to the winning team whose names are engraved on a very attractive Honours Board.

At the moment three matches are played each year. There is an annual match played against a team from the Association of Suffolk Golf Captains. It was a joint idea between Vivienne Cullen and George Skevington, but sadly he died before the match was played so a delightful silver rose bowl was purchased jointly by the two organisations and presented in his memory to the winning team.

Two other matches are played one against the Ladies Past Captains of Essex and the other against the Ladies Past Captains of Cambs & Hunts.


Currently badges are given to all new members and the possibility of a polo shirt is being considered.

The current organisers are Sheila Sheldrake and Birgitta Bostrom Email  

Meetings for 2025

24th March Spring Meeting at Diss GC

28th April Match against Essex at Brett Vale GC

Week of the 11th of August Skevington Bowl

6th October AGM and Golf Day at Seckford GC

 Match against Cambs/Hunts TBC

SLPPC Spring Meeting 2024

SLPCC Spring Meeting 23rd April 2024

The Suffolk Ladies Past and Present Captains Golf Society ( SLPPC)  held its spring meeting 2024 at Thorpeness Golf Club.

28 ladies took part in a  round of golf in rather cold, windy and somewhat wet conditions followed by lunch and coffee.

The weather did however not impair the  ladies golf skills, and very good scores were achieved with the winning group just beating the runners up (and the thirds) by 1 point.

The game was 2 best scores of three and the winners achieved 90 points followed by two groups on 89 points .


1st Rebecca Draper, Susie Meecham, Bev Grey(ghost)

2nd Sheila Sheldrake, Carol Brown, Rita Fossey.

3rd Vivienne Sears, Tricia Laws  Bev Grey


Nearest the pin and nearest the line were both won by Carol Deslandes

Match v Essex Ladies Past and Present Captains 2024

Match vs Essex Ladies Past and Present Captains Society

 12 ladies played in a friendly match against the Essex past ladies captains at Gosford Lakes Golf Club on the 8th of May.

The 4BBB stableford was played in glorious sunshine and warm temperature ,with  all  the ladies being  treated to beautiful scenery and geese with chicks.

The course had seen its fair amount of rain in the past few months and was a little muddy and played quite long ,so we all enjoyed the enormous carvery spread after the match.

The Essex ladies captain had , as an extra fun, requested a nearest the pin but with a difficult pin position behind a bunker on this long par three, no one got on the green.

It was a  very enjoyable day and a  close match with Essex winning by 4 points.

Birgitta Bostrom

SLPCC Spring Meeting 23rd April 2024

The Suffolk Ladies Past and Present Captains Golf Society ( SLPPC)  held its spring meeting 2024 at Thorpeness Golf Club.

28 ladies took part in a  round of golf in rather cold, windy and somewhat wet conditions followed by lunch and coffee.

The weather did however not impair the  ladies golf skills, and very good scores were achieved with the winning group just beating the runners up (and the thirds) by 1 point.

The game was 2 best scores of three and the winners achieved 90 points followed by two groups on 89 points .


1st Rebecca Draper, Susie Meecham, Bev Grey(ghost)

2nd Sheila Sheldrake, Carol Brown, Rita Fossey.

3rd Vivienne Sears, Tricia Laws  Bev Grey


Nearest the pin and nearest the line were both won by Carol Deslandes

Match v Cambridge & Hants Past and Present Captains 2024

On Wednesday 3rd July 10 ladies  played a  4BBB match at Seckford Golf Club against Cambridge and Hants. The reduced team was due to Cambs and Hants not being able to fill their team.

After a wet start to the day by the time we played the sun shone and despite a few light showers we all made it round without getting wet.

The matches were played in very good spirits and the result was 3/2 win to us.

After the match we all sat down to a meal the Seckford staff were helpful and I think all the ladies enjoyed there meal.

Thank you to all the ladies that supported this event .

Sheila Sheldrake

Skevington Rose Bowl 2024
Skevington Rose Bowl

The Suffolk Ladies Past and Present Captains played the Men’s Past and Present Captains on August 12th, the hottest day of the year, in the Skevington Cup. The cup was played ,as always, 4BBB matchplay  with the ladies off the red and ( this time) the men off the yellow tees

The match was held at Bungay where the golf course was in very good condition even though we have had a  long period of draught.

The ladies team consisting of: Vivienne Sears, Carol Brown, Sheila Sheldrake, Denise Martin, Annette Llewellyn, Sally Crosbie, Lizzie  Knight, Sheila Boath, Ann Archer , Bev Grey, Sarah Gotts and Birgitta Bostrom were triumphant in winning the trophy back.

The match was followed by a two course meal and overall it was a very enjoyable day for all.

Photo below showing the President, Brian Kemp, handing over the trophy to Birgitta Bostrom representing the ladies.

AGM Report for SLPPCS At Rushmere GC 7th October 2024


After a very wet September and beginning of October , the AGM and Golf Day was held in  sunshine at Rushmere Golf Club on Monday the 7th of October

Following the AGM  tea/coffee and sandwiches were served before 40 ladies set out to play .

It was agreed that all had a very nice day , with old or new friends as playing partners and a  good meal to follow.

Though the course sadly had some issues scoring was good and the winning team come in with 121 points.

The winners pictured below were: Di Hegarty, Jill Tye, Beverly Gray and Sylvia Pearce


AGM Report for SLPPCS At Rookery Park 25th September 2023

Sheila welcomed the members to our AGM at Rookery Park Golf club Monday the 25 th of September. Only 20 members attended with apologies having been received from approximately another 25 members.


Past Year Report

Sheila gave a brief report of the previous 12 months, the first year for Sheila and Birgitta as SLPPC organisers.


Accounts and Finances

Birgitta followed reporting on the accounts for the Society. She noted that during the past years’ accounts seem to have been reported on a calendar year as well as August through September. She asked which was preferred and calendar years were chosen.

This was followed by a long discussion regarding suitable level of reserve (currently approximately £3,500) and how to spend the surplus.

It was decided that we would not have a fixed level of reserve but rather see how each year pan out. It was also agreed that Birgitta and Sheila would continue to subsidise all events (including a 10% tip to staff at clubs we visit) as that would benefit the wider number of members.

A discussion followed regarding donation to the Ladies Captains charity at the same club and it was decided to give £50 to Rookery Park Ladies’ Captains charity of choice (Prostate cancer).

There was a lengthy discussion regarding new polo shirts or possible jumpers, and it was decided to discuss think this over and discuss it again in the future.



The county matches against Essex, Cambs & Hunts   as well as Bedfordshire had been paused last year due to difficulties in getting teams together. However, some of the members mentioned during the year that they were missing the matches. As such Birgitta had contacted Essex and C&H to ask if they would like to go back to playing. The reply from Essex was positive whereas C&H might be dissolving their society and could not give a positive reply.

We are also hoping to have a mixed match with the captains against a county, to be followed up by Sheila.

It was decided that 5 events per year (AGM, Spring Meeting, Essex match, Skevington Match, and mixed match) would be a suitable number.


Any other business

A discussion regarding the low turn out followed and it was thought that a combination of date (many members on holiday) and location was the reason. It was decided that we would investigate moving the AGM 2 weeks forward into October whilst avoiding half term.

The numbers of members have over time gone down (there were 84 paying members in 22/23) even with 10 new members last year, and it was suggested that we email all members including lapsed with the minutes from the meeting.

It was also suggested that we make a small poster that can be put up in ladies’ changing rooms at the golf clubs. Birgitta to make a word document poster and mail it so members and club secretaries.



Report for SLPPC Golfing Society AGM - 26th. Sept. 2022

32 ladies attended the meeting, one lady having to cancel at the last minute due to illness.

Denise reported we have 83 members currently, a marked reduction on this time last year, although more may rejoin….

The Societies finances are in good order, the balance as of September 2021 was just over £3000 and when expenses have been paid to Newton Green for today the balance will be about the same!

The report for the meeting had been circulated to members prior to the meeting, asking for feedback and suggestions for the continuance of the Society. There had been just 2 responses from ladies unable to be present!

One felt unable to participate in matches etc. but felt they should continue. The second, a stalwart supporter in all events, felt that maybe matches should be discontinued due to economic pressures and difficulties in raising teams.

The ladies attending were asked for their comments & suggestions.

It was felt that we weren’t reaching all past & present Lady Captains to  inform them of the Society & how to join. Recently invitations had been sent to the Club secretaries…so it was suggested the invitation go directly to the Lady Captain. We will need to get a list of these from ‘County’ as no longer sent out due to Data protection. Present members will encourage new Lady Captains at their clubs.

Regarding the issue of continuing inter County matches. Sally reported that all these next season would be ‘away’ and therefore involve possible long distances to travel. Even with the Society ‘capping’ the cost at £35, it still involves a considerable cost and with rising prices, not only for petrol but green fees & food, members are increasingly reluctant to commit to playing in these. Even this year it has been difficult to raise a team of 12 players and all the matches were within Suffolk. (Apart from the Skevington Cup, which is always popular & oversubscribed).

After a fair amount of constructive comment and discussion, it was decided to discontinue playing the inter county matches and concentrate on events within Suffolk. Namely the Spring Meeting, the Skevington Cup, the AGM & Golf day in the autumn and maybe try and revive the Mixed Texas Scramble with the gents Captains’ Society, which was played on a couple of occasions a few years ago.

Sally will write to the organisers of Essex, Bedfordshire and Cambs & Hunts Past Lady Captains Societies to inform them that regrettably we will be able to play matches against them in the next few years, but may like to do so in the future if membership increases & indeed if they wish to reinstate them. Certainly they have had the same problem with raising teams….

There is a real wish for the Society to flourish, but Denise and Sally reiterated they were looking for successors to take over the organising role, having done it for 4 years. Viv Sears commented that 2 years was probably the optimum time to hold the role.

They were thanked for the work they do and how successful & well organised the events are.

They were asked what the role entailed & explained that we now had most things online, the bank account, database etc.

Birgitta Bostrom and Sheila Sheldrake, both members & past Lady Captains at Thorpeness, at this point volunteered to take on the role of organisers and Rosalie Skinner (Thorpeness) formally proposed them. All were in favour. On this very positive note the meeting was ended.

The next AGM will be held at Rookery Park G.C. Hopefully on the 3rd. Monday in September 2023

Sally Crosbie

Report for AGM 20th. Sept. 2021

The Society’s annual golf day and ‘AGM’ was held at Ipswich Golf Club on Monday 20th. Sept. 2021.

48 ladies took part in a team Stableford off full handicap, with the 3 best scores on each hole counting. Fortunately after an earlier downpour the weather stayed fine and an enjoyable round of golf was had by all on a course in great condition. The winning team were Samantha Edwards (Diss), Carol Perks (Rushmere), Gloria Lee (Ipswich) and Anne Archer (Ips & T’ness).

Having had to cancel all but 2 of our golfing events this year due to lockdown, there was not much to report, so we did not have a formal AGM. 

We did manage to enjoy a friendly game with the ladies of Essex Ladies’ Past Capts. Society, playing a mixed team event (2 ladies from each county) with best 2 scores from 4 on pars 4&5 and all 4 on Par 3s, on a lovely sunny day at Frinton. Chris Lynch Bates & Vivienne Sears were the Suffolk ladies in the winning 4Ball. As Denise reported on our website – had we known the tall rough harboured snakes as well as nesting birds, we might not have been so keen to search for lost balls!

The annual Skevington Cup match v ‘the Men’ was played at Southwold. Again we were blessed with a fine day and the golf as always in this event was fiercely competitive!! We are delighted to say we have retained the trophy. It is the ladies turn to host this next year & we are open to suggestions for a suitable venue.

Our matches versus Essex, Cambs & Hunts and Bedfordshire will all be in Suffolk next year, as I was unable to redress the imbalance between home and away fixtures. However hopefully a good number of members will be keen to play in these friendly matches, and as soon as the dates & venues are arranged  you will all be informed. They will also be put on the website (thanks to Di Hegarty for doing this for us)

We will also try to arrange a Spring meeting, and a mixed Texas Scramble with the gents of the Suffolk Captains’ Society.

Denise reported that a new online bank account had been set up over the summer. We had been unable to change signatories on the old one so this seemed a sensible change.

    In view of rising costs and to enable the continuation of ‘subsidising’ matches/ prizes etc. it is necessary to increase the subscription to £10.  This would be in line with those of the Vets and the Gents societies & the present sum has not been increased in many years. This was agreed by those members present.

Finally Denise and I are happy to continue with organising the Society for a further year, but would then like to pass on the reins to another couple of ladies. We do feel it is too much for just one person to have full responsibility whereas two can manage more easily!

So hopefully successors can be found.

Sally Crosbie

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