Suffolk Ladies' Juniors

Suffolk Ladies' Juniors

Suffolk Ladies' Juniors

Suffolk Ladies' Juniors

Suffolk Ladies' Juniors

Suffolk Ladies' Juniors

Spring Meeting 2024

Congratulations to Sophie Kubitzek for best Gross


 Chloe Puter for best Nett at the Spring meeting at Ipswich Golf Club. 

Thanks to Ipswich GC for the hospitably we received.

Spring Meeting 2023

Congratulations to Diane Leeder and Imogen Potter who won the ladies / junior foursomes today at Halesworth Golf Club. 


Full Autumn Meeting results

Congratulations to Diane Leeder and Imogen Potter who won the ladies / junior foursomes today at Halesworth Golf Club. 


Full Autumn Meeting results

The Autumn meeting held at Fynn Valley where Sophie Kubitzek won the best gross of 82

Best Nett was Josie Knights


Full Autumn Meeting results

Junior County Match Week

County’s Week took place at The Cambridge Hotel Bar Hill. The arrangements and welcome from Cambridgeshire and Hunts was warm and this being my first time as Captain I felt well looked after and the information package was great.

The girls first game was against Bedfordshire and they managed four wins one loss and a bye.

There were tougher matches to come and throughout the three days all the girls played well but did find the greens and putting a bit of a struggle. In total we won nine games halving one. I feel a special mention should be made of Natasha Gregory who won four of her five matches Well Done Natasha.

The new members of the team were supported by Juliette our team captain and she provided a lovely goody bag for each team member.

It was an enjoyable experience and I congratulate Juliette, Sophie, Jasmine, Melissa, Natasha, Rebekah and Talia (her first County Week) on their golf. Also on the way they conducted themselves leading to many positive remarks from other Captains regarding how their players had commented how friendly the matches had been with them.
I am looking forward to next year.

Sue Hayward
Junior Organiser

For the first time, the Suffolk Golf Union and the Suffolk Ladies County Golf Association Junior Committees collaborated to organise the Boys and Girls Championships to be played at the same venue on the same day. The championships were played at Hintlesham Golf Club and, in addition to a 36 hole medal competition, an 18 hole stableford competition was included for higher handicap players.


The 2022 girls’ champion is Juliette Coffey (Woodbridge) with a score of 161 (81 – 80).

Pictured is  Juliette Coffey with SLCGA Junior Organiser, Sue Hayward.




The boys’ champion is Harry Brinded (Aldeburgh) with a score of 146 (74 – 72).

Pictured is Harry Brinded receiving the McKenzie Cup from  SGU President, Martin Youngs.



Both will represent Suffolk in the Champion of Champions event at Woodhall Spa later in the year.

The best nett scores were recorded by Melissa Coffey (Woodbridge) with 147 (76 – 71) and Callum Hughes (FynnValley) with 143 (70 – 73).

The winners of the stableford competitions, with very impressive scores, were Abigail Hope (Bungay and Waveney Valley) with 43 points and Zachary Gandy (Aldeburgh) with 42 points.

A highlight of the day was a hole in one by Natasha Gregory (Ipswich) at the 6th hole in her afternoon round. She was presented with a certificate by Hintlesham Golf Club to recognise the achievement.


Picture is Melissa Coffey (left) and Natasha Gregory (right) with Sue Hayward.




Many thanks for Hintlesham for hosting the event and the service we all received.


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