Founded in 1893
Founded in 1893 Royal Worlington and newmarket Golf Club is a traditional members Club. Ranked 98th in Golf World’s Top 100 in Great Britain and Northern Ireland it is the only nine hole course to be so listed. It is home to the Light Blues the golf team of Cambridge University.
The key feature of the course is that is sand based, thus drains well, and is rarely closed; the Club remain on normal greens and tees throughout the winter months. For most of the year the course, especially at weekends, is refreshingly uncrowded. Whilst Worlington is a committed two ball Club there are limited opportunities to play other formats at agreed times.
The Club has an active ladies section which is an equal and integrated element of the Club overall.
Visitors are welcome at the Club. However, visits must be arranged in advance with the Secretary. Please see the Green Fee page for further details.
Occasionally opportunities arise whereby those in sympathy with the Clubs ethos can apply for full or country membership and further details can be obtained from the Secretary.
9 Holes
01638 712216